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My Constituency is country’s first parliamentary constituency-based data platform, developed for the Members of Parliament (MPs). The platform offers MPs to have better access to constituency-based data to monitor the development progress and undertake evidence-based decisions for inclusive development planning and priorities of their respective constituency.
This is a web and mobile Apps-based data platform.

The data platform is focused on the human development data that MPs need to have from the constituency level in order to be effective advocates to the Government for further development, and to be effective representatives of their constituents, notably as to leaving no-one behind, and to ensure that those most at risk of being left behind have their needs met first.

The main objective of this platform is to support the MPs to track the development progress of their respective constituency, make informed and responsive decisions and identify pocket areas for inclusive development planning to improve the lives of underserved people. The platform also envisions to strengthen interaction with the citizens. More specifically, the platform envisages to support,
• Monitoring of the development progress of Constituency;
• Evidence-based decision making and development planning;
• Efficient resource management;
• Strengthen interaction between the MPs and citizens;
• Identify vulnerable and behind groups / communities / areas for inclusive development planning.

According to the Data Management Framework, at present, there are 186 indicators in total under 14 thematic areas. The thematic areas are:
1. Health
2. Education
3. Social Safety Net (SSN)
4. Transportation and Infrastructure
5. Forest, Environment and Disaster
6. Agriculture, Fisheries and Livestock
7. Employment and Youth Development
8. ICT
9. Gender Development
10. Poverty
11. Migration
12. Water and Sanitation
13. Power and Energy
14. Liberation War Affairs

However, the number of indicators and themes are not static; there is provision to increase both the indicators and thematic areas according to the needs and suggestion of the MPs, Data Provider Agencies and other relevant stakeholders.

• Desk research;
• Analysis of SDGs, National Priority Indicators (39+1), Five-year Plan and Other development indicators;
• Needs assessment with the MPs;
• Consultation with the Parliament Officials;
• Consultation with the National Data Coordination Committee (NDCC);
• Consultation with key agencies of the government (data providing agencies) both at the national and field level;
• Consultation with International Experts (India and New Zealand).

Bangladesh Parliament website is the source of information of My Profile Feature. This section is linked with Bangladesh Parliament website with real time data update option.

All the information mentioned in the Constituency Overview feature has been taken from two sources:
a) Bangladesh National Portal
b) Bangladesh Parliament Website

1. Home
2. About
3. Dashboard
4. Constituency Overview
5. Data
6. User Log In
7. MP’s Profile
8. Comparison: Comparison between constituency’s multiple Upazilas; between constituency to constituency; between years.
9. Resources (Publication, Event, Media)
10. FAQ

All the features mentioned above are active. However, more features will be added in future according to the needs and suggestions of the MPs, Parliament, Data agencies and other stakeholders.

At present, the data that are available in the platform against different thematic indicators are all real data.

All the data that are currently available in the system are administrative except the agriculture data. Agriculture-related data are system-generated data.

Currently, the platform contains real data against 72 Indicators under Eight thematic area.

As there are some boundary overlaps in some constituencies, the data is collected with union-level disaggregation to avoid the complexities in the case of multiple upazilas under one single constituency. There are 48 constituencies with the boundary overlaps.

At present, there are two interfaces – public and MP’s Dashboard. The MP’s Dashboard is accessible to the MPs only.

For effective and successful implementation of My Constituency, an Advisory Committee has been formed including Hon’ble MPs under the guidance of Hon’ble Speaker of the National Parliament.

To foster the regular technical and maintenance work of My Constituency, a Technical Working Group has been formed and currently working very simultaneously. Hon’ble DG of B&IT Wing of BPS is the chair of the committee and representatives of BPS B&IT Wing, UNDP Bangladesh and a2i Programme are included in the committee as members.

To ensure better evidence-based decision making and accountability to identify data source and responsible agencies, a Data Management Framework has been developed in several consultation with data stakeholders. This framework will help to update data timely and to ensure disaggregated data from the local level.

For effective coordination among data stakeholders on data generation and data update, a Data Coordination Committee chaired by the Hon’ble Secretary of the Bangladesh Parliament Secretariate, has been formed

• Unavailability of constituency specific data
• Unavailability of disaggregated data down to Union level
• Overlaps of boundary in some of the constituencies
• Absence of a policy guideline on data management according to the constituencies.
• Absence of approved methodology on data management.